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From the Neighborhood Press

Three women having fun while potting plants together outside.

Spring Activities for Hospice Patients

The arrival of spring is synonymous with growth and new beginnings following the seasonal winter changes. Loved ones in hospice care can benefit from engaging in activities that mark the coming of summer. 

Activities like gardening, picnics, bird watching, art, and seasonal-inspired cooking can help to engage your loved one and create new memories.

For patients in hospice care, engaging in meaningful activities with loved ones helps to maintain social connection and community.

What Is Hospice Care?

Hospice care provides specialized end-of-life care for individuals with terminal illnesses. It is not limited to a place; it’s a way of caring for people with respect and compassion. 

Our team at Del Corazon Hospice provides 4 levels of hospice care:

  • Routine home care
  • Continuous home care 
  • Inpatient home care 
  • Respite care 

Routine Home Care

This is the most common level of hospice care and takes place within the patient’s home. Regularly scheduled visits are made to assess our patient’s physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Each routine care plan is customized to our patient’s needs and families.

Continuous Home Care 

Continuous care is provided when a patient requires immediate intervention or skilled services from a nurse. This care option is a short-term solution during moments of critical need. 

Inpatient Hospice Care

Patients may benefit from inpatient hospice care when their level of care exceeds what they’re able to receive at home or in a living community. The goal of inpatient hospice care is to control pain and stabilize symptoms in hopes that the patient can return home. 

Respite Care 

Caring for a loved one with a chronic illness can be rewarding and overwhelming. To help avoid caregiver burnout, respite care provides short-term relief to families and caregivers by taking over the responsibilities of caring for your loved one. 

Who Can Benefit From Hospice Care?

Hospice isn’t just for older adults; it caters to any individual whose life expectancy is approximately 6 months or less, as diagnosed by a physician due to terminal illness. Hospice care is often provided by a team of professionals, including physicians, nurses, social workers, and spiritual advisors.

Hospice care can also support family members as they navigate this emotional time. 

Spring Activities to Explore With Your Loved One 

These activity suggestions aim to promote valuable quality time with your loved one and to continue making fond memories. Depending on your loved one’s overall well-being, not every day will be full of physical activity. Even on cool spring days, take the opportunity to slow down and enjoy the simplicity of life’s pleasures with your loved one. 


Gardening isn’t just limited to the outdoors; it extends to caring for indoor plants or planting a makeshift garden perched on top of the windowsill. Encourage your loved one to participate in selecting the plants, potting them, and perhaps even watching them grow and bloom. 

Gardening is an activity that individuals with various activity levels can engage in. For physically able patients, spending time outside in the garden and engaging in light physical activity with planting and watering can help structure their daily routine.  

For those needing something less physically demanding, a botanical-themed indoor garden with colorful flower arrangements can bring the outside in and brighten their living space! 

Enjoy the Outdoors

If the weather permits, take a gentle stroll outside and enjoy the sun’s warmth and a gentle breeze. A local park with plenty of benches and serene surroundings can provide a peaceful excursion. Bird watching, a picnic, or simply enjoying the changing landscape can all be perfect springtime activities.

Remember to consider your loved one’s physical limitations and choose an activity that is compatible with their energy and activity levels. If a leisurely walk is too taxing, perhaps a scenic drive where you can pull over and take in the sights from the comfort of the car and still receive the benefits of being outdoors.  

Creative Expression 

Arts and crafts can be a fun and relaxing activity for hospice patients. If your loved one is unable to spend long periods outdoors, spring can inspire artwork that can be created together.

Art activities can help lower stress, strengthen fine motor skills, and help process emotions. Projects include painting, scrapbooking, jewelry making, embroidery, and knitting. 

Consider putting together a photo book, scrapbook, or digital album with images of moments of laughter, fun, and shared memories with your loved one.

A group of senior women at a table painting with water colors.

Activities for Chilly Spring Days 

For days when your loved one isn’t feeling up for much activity or the day is a little too chilly, consider bringing the calm and beauty of the outside world in. Not every day may be filled with lots of physical activity. Enjoy slow, calm spring days together indoors. 

Gentle music and blowing gossamer curtains can echo a soft, breezy day. Scented oils or fresh flowers can evoke the fragrances of a garden. Indulge in light reading, watch a classic movie, or listen to a favorite album. These quiet pastimes can be both restorative and engaging.

Seasonal Recipes 

Spring brings a bounty of fresh, seasonal produce that may inspire a day of recipes. Consider visiting the farmers market with your loved one to select the seasonal produce for the recipe you’ve decided to create together! 

Preparing simple recipes can be an enjoyable and engaging activity. Engage your loved one in the preparation level they are most comfortable with. Whether that’s deciding the recipe, stirring the pot, or keeping you company while they enjoy the finished product. 

Contact Our Team

Spring can help inspire stimulating, gentle, calm, and peaceful activities to create lasting and beautiful memories with loved ones.

We recognize that this may be an emotional time. Our team at Del Corazon Hospice is here to help provide support and relief to families. Contact us today to learn how we can help you and your loved one.

Three women having fun while potting plants together outside.

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